Is Eucalyptus Plant Safe For Pregnancy?

4 min readSep 8, 2023


Being pregnant is a special moment, and it’s crucial to know what’s safe for both the mom and the baby. So, let’s delve into the world of eucalyptus and find out if it’s a friend or foe during pregnancy.

Why Do People Use Eucalyptus During Pregnancy?

Eucalyptus has been used for a long time to assist with common colds and congestion. People often use eucalyptus oil, which comes from the leaves, to create things like cough drops and medicines. But is it secure for moms-to-be and their babies?

Is The Eucalyptus Plant Safe For Pregnancy?

Now, here’s the major question: Is the eucalyptus plant safe for pregnancy? Well, the answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. Let’s break it down:

Eucalyptus Leaves and Tea: Eating eucalyptus leaves or drinking eucalyptus tea can be hazardous during pregnancy. It’s because some compounds in eucalyptus can cause problems for the baby’s growth and development.

Eucalyptus Oil: Using eucalyptus oil in a diffuser or steam inhalation can be acceptable, but only in moderation. Make sure to dilute the oil and use it in a well-ventilated area. Always verify with your doctor or midwife before using it.

Eucalyptus Skin Products: Using eucalyptus in skincare products like lotions or creams can be safe for most expectant women. But if you have sensitive skin or sensitivities, it’s a good idea to do a patch test first.

Eucalyptus Around the House: Having eucalyptus plants in your residence as decoration is generally safe. They appear pretty and smell nice, but don’t eat them or rub the leaves on your skin.

Eucalyptus Supplements: Steer clear of eucalyptus supplements during pregnancy unless your healthcare provider gives you the green light. These supplements can be way too concentrated and might not be safe for your infant.

Why Should You Be Careful with Eucalyptus During Pregnancy?

Okay, so why all this caution about eucalyptus during pregnancy? It’s because some of the chemicals in eucalyptus can impact the baby’s development. Here are a few reasons why you need to be careful:

Risk of Miscarriage: In large amounts, eucalyptus can increase the risk of miscarriage. Nobody desires that during pregnancy!

Breathing Problems: Breathing in too much eucalyptus oil can be harsh on your lungs, and we want those lungs to be healthy for you and your infant.

Allergies and Skin Irritation: Some individuals can have allergies or skin irritation from eucalyptus. It’s always preferable to be safe than itchy!

What Can You Use Instead?

If you’re pregnant and not positive about eucalyptus, don’t worry! There are plenty of safe alternatives:


So, is the eucalyptus plant healthy for pregnancy? The answer is that it can be, but you need to be cautious. It’s preferable to avoid eating or drinking eucalyptus during pregnancy, and if you want to use eucalyptus oil, do so in moderation and with your healthcare provider’s approval.

Remember, pregnancy is a special time, and taking excellent care of yourself and your growing baby is the most important thing.

If you ever have doubts or questions, don’t hesitate to approach your doctor or midwife for guidance. They’re there to help you have a healthy and happy pregnancy journey.

Read Also: Is The Eucalyptus Plant Safe For Pets?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it acceptable to use eucalyptus oil in a diffuser during pregnancy?

Using eucalyptus oil in a diffuser can be safe during pregnancy, but it’s essential to use it in moderation and ensure the room is well-ventilated. Always consult your healthcare provider before using any essential oils, particularly during pregnancy.

Can I use eucalyptus-based hygiene products while pregnant?

Eucalyptus-based skincare products like lotions and creams are generally harmless for pregnant women. However, if you have sensitive skin or known sensitivities, it’s a good idea to do a patch test first or consult with your healthcare provider.

Is it safe to have eucalyptus plants in my residence during pregnancy?

Having eucalyptus plants as decorations in your residence is generally safe during pregnancy. They can lend a pleasant aroma to your space. Just make sure not to ingest or apply the leaves directly to your skin.

Can I consume eucalyptus tea while pregnant?

Drinking eucalyptus tea is not recommended during pregnancy. Some of the chemicals in eucalyptus can be detrimental to the developing baby, potentially increasing the risk of complications.

Are eucalyptus supplements safe to consume during pregnancy?

It’s best to avoid eucalyptus supplements during pregnancy unless your healthcare provider specifically recommends them. These supplements can be highly concentrated and may not be healthy for your baby.

What are the hazards of using eucalyptus during pregnancy?

The primary risks of using eucalyptus during pregnancy include an increased risk of miscarriage if consumed in high quantities, potential breathing problems from inhaling too much eucalyptus oil, and the possibility of allergies or skin irritation in some individuals.

Originally published at on September 8, 2023.




Explore Eucalyptus with informative articles and insights on Eucalyptus trees, essential oils, and more.